Every month, a new free Document Control video tip

Continuous improvement: why & how?

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What separates brilliant people from others? What is the difference between an organisation of excellence and others? Among the many characteristics and factors that contribute to their excellence, a culture of continuous improvement plays a significant role.


This video is part of a series called "Document Control Tip of the Month" presented by Consepsys, the World Leaders in Document Control www.consepsys.com


Who is Consepsys: https://www.consepsys.com/about-us/why-choose-consepsys/


Useful links mentioned in the video

  • Links to Consepsys blog articles: 

  1. “Avoiding recurrent Document Control problems”, link: https://www.consepsys.com/2017/03/13/avoiding-recurrent-document-control-problems
  2. “Is efficiency a luxury or a necessity?”, link: https://www.consepsys.com/2018/02/15/is-efficiency-a-luxury-or-a-necessity/
  3.           “Continuous Improvement – how it separates the best from the rest”, link: https://www.kerrnoll.com/2017/03/01/continuous-improvement-how-it-separates-the-best-from-the-rest/
  • Book “Avoiding or Overcoming Organisational Inertia” - Link 

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