Competency Matrix


The Consepsys Document Control Competency Matrix is a tool to formally manage competencies and to plan career progression.


This tool allows:

  • To record current competencies using a detailed list of skills.
  • To identify competencies required for:

- Your current position; but also

- Up to four 'future' positions, for those who have a career plan.

  • To compare and identify gaps between current competencies and competencies required for:

- Your current position; but also

- Up to four 'future' positions, for those who have a career plan.

  •  To develop a plan or plans to reduce/bridge the gaps between current competencies and future desired competencies.


Watch the Demo Video

The Consepsys Competency Matrix is an Excel file that includes macros.

It is recommended to use it with Microsoft Excel.

Start managing your competencies today for £ 15 only!

Screenshot from Consepsys Competency Matrix



Screenshot from Action Plan To Bridge Gaps

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